Weekly Events


AMI (Alternative Methods of Instruction) Resources for Grades 3 through 12 are linked below, along with the 24-25 Parent-Student AMI Guidebook.  AMI Resources for Grades K-2 are paper copies only and are sent home with students.    


The last chance to order a yearbook with personalization is Friday, Feb. 28. 

Order at jostensyearbooks.com, or click on the below link:


3-6 AMI Lessons

3-6 AMI Lessons

7-12 AMI Lessons

7-12 AMI Lessons

24-25 Parent-Student Edition AMI Guidebook


AMI Parent-Student Guidebook


SBHC - Neelyville.pdf

Safe Return to In-Person
Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan (SRCSP)

Click above to read
* Revised 9/16/22